Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Marty and I had a chat about people who say they're intelligent on their online profiles. I told Marty that I think it's a bit odd to say you're intelligent on your profile and he asked me why. I said That I wouldn't say that about myself. I think that it's easy to discern if someone is intelligent or not when you read their profile. If the person can't write a sentence or spell I usually have my doubts. And people I know who are very intelligent never talk about how smart they are. Marty said he thinks it's okay for someone to describe himself or herself as intelligent and that in addition to describing themselves as intelligent, frequently women say they're looking for an intelligent man. I wondered who would get on an online dating site and say they want to meet a dumb ass. Isn't it a given that a man or a woman would want to meet someone intelligent or of equal intelligence. Why state the obvious? Is it necessary? I'm going to have to rethink my online profile.

As a side note, one of my lifelong girlfriends always said she wouldn't marry a man who sat at a desk and that she wanted to marry someone who did manual labor. Why? She thought if her busted his ass all day at work he would too tired to cheat on her.

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