Sunday, November 29, 2015

Everyone's gone

I'm enjoying Kate and Leopold; love and time travel, two of my favorite subjects. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

It begins

I need to start preparing for the feast.


Tinder boycott


By the time Nick and I visited my coworkers so he could meet everyone and worked out at the gym here at the apartment complex it was late but I made dinner around 8:00 or 9:00. Nick went on and on about my cooking and couldn't believe everything was vegetarian. I love cooking for people especially for Nick, especially when he says that I have a talent for it. Maybe I was a cook in a former life. One time, some psychic my mom her friends went to see, which was a weird thing for my mom to do since she doesn't believe in precognition anyway back to the psychic, said I had been a metallurgist, a dishwasher, a dancer, and an impressionist painter.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Still got it

My son and I went to see Collective Soul Sunday. We've seen them several times over the last 15 or 20 years. The band is still great. Ed's voice is till wonderful and he is a showman who is happy. I love watching someone do something he really enjoys because it brings so much fulfillment to the soul. The guitar player and the bassist still top notch and they're in sync and well oiled. I am so glad I decided to go and then to be lucky enough to have my favorite person with me made it a special night.

Tiny, off the grid shipping container house

Shipping container home


Febreze and fart don't go together so if you fart and it smells worse than a dead baby don't run for the Febreze thinking that a squirt or two  will save the day.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Collective Soul

Sunday evening at the House of Blues; Collective Soul.


Another great Saturday is on it's way, Nick will be here tomorrow. He is my hero and I am so excited about seeing him.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


For nearly two weeks, my hand has been screwed up. I am ready for my hand to be well. I am still doing most stuff I normally do but a messed up  hand is a real hindrance. 

Shipping container home

I bought plans for a shipping container home today. 


I am so glad my son is going to be here for Thanksgiving. Vivi is coming with her father. It will be spectacular. I love cooking and family. My boss told me I could use his house but it used to belong to someone i knew and I don't usually use other people's homes. i have used Gil's home but she has been my BFF for 27 years. She is family. i wish even more people were coming for Thanksgiving. I tried to convince my mom to come here but she doesn't like to travel.

Week and evaluations

This week has flown by just like all of them lately. We had evaluations this week which I could not care less about. if my boss didn't think I was doing a job I would hope he would fire me. That's what you're supposed to do. I think raises are based on merit now and folks are upset about it but that's another thing I could not care less about since I am not doing my job to get rich. If I wanted to make a lot of money I would go back to the private sector. And I may someday. Who knows. I still hope I'll be the person who makes a difference in government since most of the time government just seems to get in it's own way and make things more difficult than necessary. i like the path of least resistance. Or; the common sense approach, the KISS method, whatever it takes to get the shit done. Fuck red tape.

The Big Bang Theory

I am watching The Big Bang Theory and I am so happy about it. It's my favorite show and I usually don't get to watch it. And it's a good one.

Lego protection

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Another greeting card

Front: I thought about you today
Inside: When I saw a woman with a horrible boob job

Saturday, November 14, 2015


This girl told me that according to her fitbit we burn 950 calories if we do Cardio Blast and Body Pump, I said, "No wonder I need a nap on Saturdays." and another girl said, "That's why she's so hungry on Saturday."

Greeting cards

I've been considering my own line of greeting cards. The first one I thought of:

I still think about you (front of card); every time I have a herpes break out (inside).

June thin ks the cards idea is great and funny.

Friday, November 13, 2015



It looks like I am going to have a full house for Thanksgiving.


My brother from another mother called me last night. He had been at a wine tasting for five hours. He asked me about Tinder because this guy he worked with used it and got laid all the time. i said I never saw anyone I was attracted to on Tinder. And then I commented that guy must have been really attractive and but he shot that idea down immediately so I asked if the guy was a silver tongued devil and he said no. I told my my brother just to get on OKCupid or something and try it. And he said, "I don't want a relationship. I'm getting a divorce, I don't want to ever get married again but in about six months I know I am going to want to have sex." I told him to put that on his online profile and see what happens. Of course, he is absolutely gorgeous (underwear  model) so he could say I'm a sack of shit and someone would contact him.

Sunday, November 8, 2015


My mom thinks I should get a trainer for my new bike so I can get used to my new bike. I can't believe my mom knew about trainers. It might be a good idea since winter is coming but I have some time before it gets too cold.

New bike

Body Pump (yesterday)

There were so many men, all but three who come intermittently, that I asked one of the ladies next me if had blown up or they somehow figured out that if guys want to meet women they need to go where women are.


I'll be heading back to Bike Barn today. I am trying to decide which bike to buy; both cost more the car I had my last year in college when I was an undergrad! Decisions, decisions. One bike is a hybrid that I think I could adapt to more easily so I could use it quite a bit more right now. The other is a road bike that will take quite a bit of getting used to for me but I may use it longer. I don't really know anyone who is an expert besides the salesman at the store. 


It's weird to me that I get more views on my blog from Russia that the U.S. maybe there is still some interest in U.S. culture.

Netflix binge

I just started watching Master of None on Netflix. I hope it's good. Sometimes things are a little too trendy for me. Every body is saying something and nothing at the same time...Californication was a little like that and so was Girlfriend's Guide to Getting a Divorce. I need to keep that in mind mind when I am conversing; think back to The Art of Conversation. I'm one of those people who can tend to talk to much anyway (when I entered the first grade I bound out that my last name wasn't shut up) and especially if I'm nervous so I try to mindful of the balance between being a good listener and having an actual conversation and the opposites a conversation hog or someone who seems to be a non-participant, both give the impression you're not interested in what anyone else has to say.

I should be full of inspiration

Best Saturday night

The Chris Cornell acoustic show was fantastic. It was even better than imagined it would be. As a tribute to myself and my age, I watched it with my eyes and listened intently to every word and note. I hope a few other folks did the same because most of the people around me were using their phones to photo and video the performance. I think the performance deserved more and I certainly gave it that. It was worth being present rather than videoing it for later or sharing. I thoroughly enjoyed watching Chris Cornell and was overwhelmed by his talent. He's got some pipes and raw talent that almost have a haunting effect like the train in the distance that I listened to as it traversed the Oklahoma prairie every night when I was a kid ( I still miss it). One of the best things I've done in a very long time is get the gumption to go to see Chris Cornell. I was a lot not a little antsy about going someplace I've never been before in a big city I'm not familiar with all by myself but I'm so glad I did. It was well worth the trepidation. He was one of those artists whose live performance far outweighs recordings which is rare these days: I was so happy that I made the leap. Cheers to Chris Cornell. 


The girl-I probably shouldn't call her a girl she is a an adult-who could easily be my child, Hemming, opened for Chris Cornell last night in Houston. She has the most beautiful voice. I;m so glad I decided to just buy a ticket an attend the show by myself because if I hadn't I would have missed on a phenomenal performance. She filled the auditorium with her voice; one girl with her guitar. Her songs reminded of my son, her writes music and lyrics too and they both have that malaise in them from growing up just to realize that you don't get a trophy just for showing up. Her music and lyrics though a little down were very soulful with a depth beyond her years. She's a great writer and performer. Since her attitude is a lot like my sons I bought her cd to give him for Christmas. I hope he likes it. I know he loves women singers maybe because he heard a lot of Patsy Cline growing up.

Saturday, November 7, 2015


Enjoying some of my favorite things:

Saturday morning
Saturday morning workout
Addams Family Values (reminds me of my son, we watched it together)
Looking forward to Chris Cornell this evening

Friday, November 6, 2015


Yesterday, a female coworker who I don't know came up to me and asked, in a low, secretive tone, if she could tell me something so I said ok as I thought of the last time a woman came up to me and said she needed to tell me something. It was in a Wal Mart in Oklahoma City, she proceeded to tell me in a shaky voice with tears in her eyes that a man in a t-shirt and red shorts was looking up my skirt and then she started pointing behind me and stated loudly "AND THAT'S HIM RIGHT THERE!" After I got back to the present, I asked the woman to step to the side and tell me what she needed to tell me. She said, "You are rocking that haircut." I said, "Thank you." Then she said, "When I first saw it, I was like oh my gosh what did she do but then I saw you and thought that haircut looks good and not everyone could pull that off." I said, "It wasn't planned. The lady didn't cut it like the photo I showed her but there's nothing I can do but go with it." I was relieved she didn't tell me some guy had been looking up my skirt and then chalked up another left-handed compliment.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Writer of great stories

So far, so good

This week has gone well. Work has been okay; busy as usual but it seems to have slowed down a bit. I really enjoy working with Nathan and Harold. They are good guys. Working out has been good. Tonight, I saw The Big Bang Theory for the first time in maybe a year. It's so funny. How It's almost the weekend and I am going to see Chris Cornell Saturday night. I got a fortune cookie today that said I would get a surprise from a lover soon. I usually get good fortune cookies but that one was way off. I won't even get a surprise from an ex-lover soon.