Sunday, August 30, 2015

First day

I'll never forget my first day at work in Corpus Christi. I showed up about 10 till 8 and I was really worried that people would think I was kind of running late. Because I always thought if you were supposed to be somewhere at 7 or 11 or 8 o'clock that you should be there about 15 minutes early. Otherwise if you're not a little bit early or late I don't know why I think that and in fact it's kind of a pet peeve of mine. But I showed up around 10 till 8 and the place was kind of like a ghost town. I looked around and I thought well gosh where is everybody and then as it got closer and closer to 8 o'clock I thought oh my gosh what's going on here what's wrong. I kind of got that feeling you get when you go in like a Walgreens or something at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning and there's no one around and you start wondering if they're all trapped in the back and they've been shot the death or something and you don't want to go look you're fearful. And then a little later somebody comes out so so sorry I was in the back stocking. Finally people started showing up Lexie may be right at 8 and they started microwaving their breakfast and some girls you know showed up a little later and they were in the bathroom putting on their makeup and things like that and I thought we open at 8 so I asked someone and they said yeah you know we're open 8 to 5. But this is strange if you open up at 8 don't you need to be at your desk ready to work?

Dining out

I decided to go out again and try this pesto in portabello mushroom pasta. And it took an hour and 10 minutes for me to get my food. As soon as I got there I told the guy and they exactly what I wanted. But then he never ordered my food. Finally I said well I guess I'll take my food to go. When I was living there with my food chase me out the door with some bread. And then he asked me if everything was okay. I just said yeah everything's okay. But it was pretty much a bust. I was really disappointed. When I got in the car I thought well and I really entitled because I was a waitress and bartender and did room service for 30 years and I was good at my job so I expect good service like I'm supposed to get paid back for the good service that I gave the other people. But then I thought Multan no I'm not being entitled I'm not really in entitled person anyway I feel like I'm going to have to work for everything I did and then I'm probably going to have to work hard and anything worth having is worth working hard for and then our real life don't know I'm not being entitled because I can't you tip to ensure prompt service. Its not like I expect great service for nothing I always tip and last time I was in there I gave the guy a $10 tip. That is one of the things that annoys me the most about Texas you get shitty service here. At first I thought it was my imagination. Then I saw a some statistics and Texas was the worst service out of the 48 contiguous states and I felt redeemed and thought no it's not just my imagination you really do get shitty service here.

Saturday (relax)

Yesterday, I really enjoyed my Saturday. i went to the gym. I did Cardio Blast and stayed over for Body Pump. It was a great workout. I went to the Farmer's Market to pick up my order. I tried calling this place to get my window fixed on my BMW but the place was closed. I don't want to drive around with my windows down all the time. It's bad enough that I have driven to Oklahoma lately so I can get my bumper replaced. My Xterra has been starting but I still suspect that I have a short somewhere. I rested and looked around for my kindle so I can get back in the habit of reading. I haven't been reading enough lately. I am going to have to get serious about my diet. I gained a couple more pounds this week and it's not muscle due to working out. I wish the work week was 4 days and the weekend was 3 days. I have been casually looking for some other job since I had visions of having a social life after Nick and I started new lives on our own. That is never going to happen if I work late every night. Saturday and Sunday I don't usually do anything besides work out because I don't have the energy because I'm exhausted from my week. I am not going to give up working out to go out because I don't really like going out to bars just for the sake of going out to a bar. Going out was always more fun with Gil. We used to go out and have a great time. I do miss my buddy.


Today's horoscope hit the nail on head

Slow down and take a break from your never-ending To Do list. Spend some quality time with someone other than your boss and the office cleaning crew for a change

Friday, August 28, 2015


It's almost the weekend and I'm so glad. As usual it's been a long week. I did get to exercise a lot so that was good. I went to a spin class a couple of times with June this week. The first time I've ever done spin. I don't think it does much for your abs. I was wondering if that's why I see a bunch of bikers in the area who look about 11 months pregnant.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Let's wrestle

When I told my son and Marty about some of the messages I've gotten on OKCupid lightly they laughed so hard when I told them about the guy who he said let's wrestle. I told them I would think that was funny if I was out in a bar with one of my goofy guy friends and he went up and said that to a girl because of course she's going to just walk away. But for a guy to say that to me on OKCupid completely out of context I just didn't find it that funny. If I was a guy on there I would try to come off as sincere and nice and not bring up stuff that sexually oriented at all because of course all guys want to have sex. I would try to come off as a guy who serious about dating and maybe finding someone instead of just the typical horndog.

Another monday

It's another monday and I know I'm going to be super busy. Michael today is to get a workout at lunch and then try to get out of work early so I can antibody it 6:30. Also, I need to try to make it by autozone in because obviously the  battery is okay in my xterra. I think it's bad cables. The cables are new so I need to go back to autozone and see if they will let me exchange them or check how they're connected.

Sunday, August 23, 2015


My evening turned out to be very nice. I got my Xterra started so that means I can go ride my bike with June this week a couple of times. And my dinner was fantastic. I would recommend international bistro I think it's International signature bistro to anyone who wants a very good meal. I'm hoping Gil comes to visit me soon and I can take her there to eat. We always enjoy going out to eat someplace nice and hanging out with each other.

Former friend

I was invited to Rome today. i declined since the man my former friend is going to Italy with would not appreciate my company. He would be horrified if I showed up unless he thought he was going to get to have a threesome.


My Xterra started and I hadn't turned on the booster....


I bought more Medbox. Medbox stock went down and I mean down so I decided to buy a little bit since it's incredibly low. I hope it goes back up. My stocks have not done well this year.

Sunday workout

Taekwando was excellent and I stayed for a cardio/weight class. It helped with my aches and pains. I noticed I have a couple of bruises from the massage. The guy was trying get rid of all the knots in my back. i dropped by AutoZone to get a battery booster. I hope there's not something serious wrong with my Xterra. I wish I had one car that was working 100%. 

International Signature Bistro

I think I might finally use the Groupon I bought for International Signature Bistro. I've had it so long that it's about to expire. I'm just not that crazy about going out. I feel like I was out for 30 years when I was a waitress and bartender. For 30 years I was out but I wasn't the one going out for fun but I was going out to work. On my nights off I sure heck didn't feel like going out then. At some point I need to stop being such a homebody but I love being home and feeling secure.

Orange Is The New Black

I finally jumped into the third season. I don't know why I wasn't more excited about it but I wasn't. I really liked the first two seasons but I couldn't bring myself to binge. I've been able to get the gumption to binge on other shows.


Almost time for taekwando and I am sore and I am so sore from the massage yesterday. The guy was really digging in when he worked on me. Hopefully, some exercise will work it out.

Two years ago

Today is the anniversary of the last time I met someone I felt a strong connection to. It was so nice to be around someone I thought would be close to and be able to relate to. I used to meet people so easily but as I've grown older I don't meet people I really like so often. I was so excited. We talked and laughed a lot. I started to feel like I was on my way to falling head over heals in love with him. Rather than end up with a broken heart, I decided to tell him we should probably date other people since we lived four hours away from each other and he had started to act differently to me. Of course I wasn't interested in seeing anyone else. I just wanted to start the heeling process and I was hoping with all my heart that I could salvage the friendship because I had had so much hope for us when we met. I thought maybe I was too much too soon. I will not ever know what it was I should have asked instead of making a snap judgment and acting on it but he wasn't communicating with me and I was at a loss. All I knew was that he seemed a lot less excited and didn't seem to feel lucky he met me or like he wanted to be in a relationship with me long distance or not. Once I told him that I thought we should date other people things were never the same. Eventually, I lost the friend I had so much hope for and the love I was hoping to culminate. I have tried to apologize for taking action without asking him what was going on in his head and heart because his actions were so confusing for me though he had been so open with me when we met. I have never been able to tell him how sorry I am and that I wish things had turned out differently so we could be friends but I didn't know how to tell him. I doubt if my actions hurt him since he was acting strangely but I know I have suffered a great loss and hope the regret goes away sometime soon. I do feel much better about it intermittently, Friday I had a lot of hope. I don't know why but I like it when I have the feeling that everything will work out. I believe hope is what keeps all of us going. Someday maybe I will be hopeful most of the time and be open to friendship and the possibility of loving someone without sabotaging my own chances at happiness.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Joseph Gordon-Levitt article


In a couple of weeks my life will be full of love and music. I'll be in California with my son and his dad, two great loves of my life. 

Great day

Saturdays are always nice but this Saturday has been great. After Cardio Blast and Body Pump, I scheduled a massage at La Vida in League City. I was skeptical because some of the massages I've had weren't good because of the guy who kept sticking his penis on my toe while he was massaging me. But the massage was fantastic.The guy, Mark Miller was professional and did a great job.

Big Fan

I am becoming a huge Joseph Gordon-Levitt fan. I really enjoy Hit RECord on TV.

Fantasy and sex

One of my girlfriends told me she is having fantasies about sex a lot and thinks about it all the time. She said it is even interrupting her work and she's not as productive as she should be right now. I told her that I wish I would thin k about sex but I don't have time or energy to think about it I'm so busy at work. Then I was talking to another friend and she said he has been watching wrestling because it's like porn for him. He watching women wrestlers beat up guys. He said the women always win no matter how much bigger the guy is. So I asked him if he could listen to a song and get tuned on or feel something because of a song like, Kings of Leon, Sex On Fire. And he said no way and that he doesn't even listen to the lyrics to songs and even if he did listen to the words a song wouldn't do it for him and that would be weird to him. I told him I don't think music moving someone and making them have feelings such longing or happiness isn't strange music moves people. I told him I think he's watched too much porn (meaning the fundamental/simple things don't do it for him). He just responded that he doesn't watch that much porn.

Later, I'll go into how wrestling came up in the conversation with my buddy.

Thursday, August 20, 2015


This afternoon a lady came into City Hall and filled out an application. She wanted some assistance since she is on disability. When she filled out the part of the application that asked about her household, she stated that there are two members in her household. She listed herself. Then she listed her adopted son, Tazzy. During the conversation she mentioned that her adopted son is a 16 pound cat who has incurred a great deal of vet bills and that's why she needs help. One of my coworkers said we need to alter the application and delete the word "members" when asking about the applicant's household. I just said well she was telling the truth since she didn't give birth to the cat, he was adopted.


to CA. I can't wait to see my son. Life is good.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Another meeting down

One more planning commission meeting down and no telling how many more to go.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

No Tabata

I didn't have a Tabata class today since the class was cancelled. Taekwando was good though. I felt like my kicks improved. I can't tell if this one astronaut in the class is kind of attracted to me. Usually, I can tell if someone is attracted to me but occasionally I totally miss it completely or sometimes when men do the come here go away thing and you can't tell if they hate me or hate themselves for being attracted to me, it confuses me and ruins it for me.


My plants are fine so I decided to try a few more. I bought a Stevia plant, a spinach plant, chive plant, etc. so i guess we'll see if they survive or if I love them too much and kill them. My friend Vivi told me to make sure I don't water them too much.

Example of y I ranted a bit about men in my previous post

This guy kept writing me on OKCupid and I finally asked why he hadn't post a photo. I am so stupid I thought he was a fatty or ugly but it was worse and even more typical out there I ever imagined. I'd rather be alone until the day I die than be with someone like this shithead:

I'm Married that's why. I put it up sometimes for a bit then remove it . I'm looking for a sexy friend to spend my days with while kids and wife are at school . Being a Houston Firefighter /Paramedic leaves my schedule open during to day for working movies bike riding. I'm Miguel.


Of all the lives I have picture myself having, once I started down my new path, this is not it. I picture myself being productive with regard to work. I pictured myself having some weekend adventures. I pictured myself in a loving relationship with a man. Instead, I am more like a workaholic, my weekend is spent recuperating from my horrific week and I haven't met a man online or off who was a real man. Work is over-rated unless you need a job. Weekends are always too short unless you're working the weekend. Men are not men anymore they are stuck in their juvenile fantasies right up until the moment they enter their mid life crises. 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Inspirational couple

My inspirational couple is no more. I'm sad. They were my hope.

Another stupid message on OKCupid

lets wrestle

Great work out

After Cardio Blast, a couple of the ladies talked me into staying for Body Pump. Kate said that if I stayed then I could eat anything I wanted all day. And then another said that she knew I could do and that I should stay. And she pointed out that I didn't have to stay for the whole class. I made it through Body Pump and feel like I need to start doing it every Saturday especially since they cancelled Tabata on Sunday. After the last month of life with all the crap losing the opportunity to have a friend and some fun, having to get up to Oklahoma to help out on the home front and work being a major pain in the arse and incredibly frustrating it was nice to work out so hard that I unloaded all that and let it go.


I finally figured out why I don't like the way some people smell. It's because they smell like onions. I love onions but I don't want to smell them all the time.


I just hate giving up on someone. It's hard to admit to myself that someone is not going to be the person I thought he/she would be in my life. I feel like my optimism has gotten me where I am but when it comes to other people I need to adopt nihilism then I don't suffer from disappointment monumentally.


My son recommended that I watch Californication, the Showtime series, on Netflix. I like it.

Two weeks

I feel like I spent the last two weeks of my life in a work whirlwind writing a crappy novel that no one is even going to read. 

Friday, August 14, 2015


A little after 5:00, we finally got the P&Z packet out. It was 267 pages. I was so glad to be done with it. The last two weeks have been very long., staying at work until 7:00 or 8:00 every night is not my idea of a life. Of course, we still have the hearing next Tuesday. I was so glad to get off at a decent hour and head home. Luckily, my A/C was working when I got home. Yesterday, when I go home my apartment was around 100 degrees. When I called maintenance, he came right over but then asked me why I didn't call earlier so he could fix it. I told that my job isn't really an 8 to 5 job. He kept asking me if I had somewhere to stay since he couldn't fix my air. I told no I didn't know anyone here and it would be okay. He then brought some kind of A/C unit on wheels to my apartment and said I could probably sleep in my bedroom if I closed the door and it would be comfortable. I finally fell asleep about 1:30 A.M. It sucked. But it is Friday evening so LIFE IS GOOD.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Sunday, August 9, 2015


I went to the last Tabata class today. The class was cancelled because of lack of participation. Then I went Taekwando. Taekwando was great. The people in the class are very nice. I stopped by the pool for about 20 minutes and then cooked. I made vegetarian chili and it is even better than last time. I watched Hurt Locker, finally. 


It's time to turn over a new leaf. I am cutting off people who are complete jackasses chances again and again to be any part of my life because I always think that everyone has redeeming qualities.

Work ethic

I don't expect a bunch of praise or thank you's at work-stay at work late because I try to complete tasks and do professional work-because employers have expectations when they hire people. Also, I have a strong work ethic. Any kind of praise isn't necessary for me because every two weeks when I get a paycheck my employer and I are even. But it is really chapping my ass lately, when I pass by the Transportation Engineer's office he is asleep. The only time he is awake is when he is texting. And this guy is not some entitled, 20's type, he is my age or maybe even older. It wouldn't be that bad that he makes no contribution to the proposed development which requires our input to sleep all the time is unbelievable.

Mystery or not

Scott can't figure out why all these women are hitting on him now that he is getting a divorce, especially women in their 20's because he is 56 years old now. Without any doubt on my part, Scott is the best looking guy I've ever seen so he has that going for him. When we were in high school every girl stayed after school to watch the end of the senior play in which he had  the leading role and it wasn't because the play was captivating. Every girl had a crush on him. Recently, he was nervous about having a drink with a woman and he was texting me when she was on her way to pick him up and show him the town. In the end she showed him more than the town, proving he had no reason to be nervous and as has always been the case women swoon over him. He just doesn't get it and seems mystified but not me. He seems so surprised that some 24 year old woman was all over him last night. I'm not surprised at all or mystified. He is also a nice guy but right now he just wants to live it up so I told him to make sure he let's anyone hitting on him that he is not relationship material since he is on the rebound and has declared in every drunken conversation we have had that he is never getting married again. 

Great outing

Drunk phone call

I got my 5:00 A.M. drunk phone call from my brother from another mother, Scott. He had to let me know he loves being single. Divorce is good for him.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Jeremy and GiGi

Jeremy texted me this week asking why GiGi won't have anything to do with him when he thought they were good friends. They were friends with benefits but it ended somewhat abruptly with no explanation. He is very hurt. He asked if I know why. He told me that one night a couple of months ago GiGi got mad at him because he told a mutual friend of theirs that GiGi was in his car so the friend went outside to say hi to her. After they drove away he said she got really mad at him. When they pulled up at Jeremy's house GiGi left and has not spoken to him since. Jeremy thinks that GiGi was embarrassed to be seen with him. Jeremy said he has tried to communicate with her so they can still be friends and she won't reciprocate. She has totally cut him off from her life. Jeremy told me that he can't figure out what he did and he still wants a friendship with her. I told Jeremy that I had a similar thing happen to me and I decided that I had decided that I couldn't force someone to be friends with me and that he shouldn't try to force GiGi to be friends with him.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Three friends

Three friends cried on my shoulder about their doomed love lives this week and they were all men. 

Weird week

I had kind of long weird week. I worked until 7:00 or 8:00 every night except Monday when I hauled my rear over to the gym to go to Body Pump. I found out that Nathan's wife is sick of him staying at work late. I was sad to hear that because it will not be long until he has to quit. Nathan is a great coworker and boss. We are very compatible at work since we are good at different things. Harold did come back and start trying to help us get caught up, thankfully. I had to tell my map guy that I can't sit with him while he makes my maps. I am not a micro-manager anyway. That's not my management style. The map guy said if I can't sit with him then tell him what I need and then come check on him every fifteen minutes. I told him that I don't have time to keep checking on someone. I prefer orders the maps with a form or sending him an email with hyperlinks to the files he needs to make my maps and then he can email a hyperlink so I can review the maps. I don't have time to babysit a grown up. I also found out that one of my bosses feels like he can't do anything right at work. He didn't tell me that his wife did. I thought she was going to start crying when she was talking to me. I feel bad for them if the job is causing a lot of stress. And, today, June told me that she had two dreams about me: in one dream she said I went back to Oklahoma and in the other she said we were at work late, as usual, and we were there so late that she went to sleep at her desk, when she noticed the time in her dream it was midnight. I told June that i wouldn't be moving back to Oklahoma as far as I know though I saw a job there, it didn't even give a salary range. I told June I don't want to move away from her I really enjoy being around June. I wish we got to do more things outside of work but I don't ask her to do much other than workout related activities because her husband wants her to spend more time with him. June and I joke a lot about being work spouses because she spends more time with me than her husband but it's true many days. I have survived another week at work. The 11th of August it will have been one year. Strangely, I started work in Corpus on August 11th also seven years ago. It does not seem like it could have been seven years since I started my new life.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

work spouses II

Another good thing about work spouses: no sex...hence the other good thing about work spouses that shaving isn't required before you see them.

Nathan's leaving

Only one day until Nathan goes on vacation and I am really hoping we the agenda with all the reports and maps ready the planning and zoning commission ready before he leaves tonight otherwise my life will be more stressful and miserable.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

work spouses

The best thing about work spouses is that you don't have to shave or spit shine your genitalia before you see them.

Body Pump

Yesterday, I skipped my lunch workout to see if going to Body Pump a little more refreshed made a difference. It still kicked my butt. Yesterday and today seemed to fly by and I was hoping to get a lot done before Nathan goes to Ireland with his family for vacation. Harold will be back full time Thursday so that will be helpful.  

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Enjoying my Sunday

I went to Tabata but today only one other girl showed up. It was a nice workout. Then I went to get a massage. I've been meaning to get one for over a week. With the last few months of my life being as difficult as they have it would take a lot more than a massage to alleviate all the stress. The next week of my life promises to suck. On top of being short handed and overworked my boss is going on vacation. I think I am about ready for a vacation I haven't been on one since I spent 2 days in Cancun in 2006. Either I go on vacation soon or I may just run away from home.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Day off today

I slept about 9 hours and got to go to Cardio Blast. After that I went to the farmer's market. As planned I went to check out a wood working shop but then the owner wasn't there. That was a bust but I went to the pool for a bit and reinforced my loathing for other people's children. I might hang out on my balcony with a beer later and enjoy my plants. I haven't killed any of my new plants yet and I am amazed.