Saturday, April 25, 2015


I made a discovery about myself this week. I don't like for a man to talk dirty to me. Some of it may be that I think talk is cheap and don't like or respect those who talk the talk and don't walk the walk but as I said in a post a couple of days ago everyone thinks they're good in bed so if some guy tells me I'm great in bed it's all I can do to keep from laughing. Who would tell someone I'm not good in bed but I'm a great dancer. Or, I'm not good in bed but I'm a great public speaker with an excellent sense of humor. More than once men have told me that they have big penises which is not a strong selling point for me either. I've posted before about the dangers of large penises if the likes and dislikes aren't in line. It's been my experience and the experience of the women I know that most men are not skilled or intuitive when it comes to pleasing the fairer sex and worst of all we have noticed men don't seem to care if we're enjoying the experience. It's all about the conquest, once that's complete then that's it, they're off to the next conquest unless they're the obsessive stalkery type. It's odd but it seems like there is not any in between. There aren't any middle of the road, normal guys. Maybe the hunter and the stalker are the normal guys and there's not any in between.

1 comment:

  1. I am a great public speaker with an excellent sense of humor.
