It has been a nice day. I had a great workout between Cardio Blast and Body Pump. I think my butt and legs are getting a little too big though. For the first time in a while I got a back rub from the guy in the mall who does a heck of job. He really works out the knots in my back and this time I wasn't sweating because he was digging into the knots too hard. I bought some new jeans because I can't get into any of my old ones. That's what happens when you gain twenty pounds. It's been raining all day and love it. I've been listening to the rain and reading. I am glad I am too poor to live by the water right now since it may flood but I think I could tolerate the inconvenience if I could manage to find a place I could afford. My Xterra has always been good in high water though it's not the most comfortable ride. My buddy, James called on Google Hang Out so we got to catch up. I wish we lived closer to each other. It would be nice to hang out in person. Maybe I can get to Denver sometime. Harold texted me and let me know that he and his wife managed to get on a cruise due to a cancellation. That means my week will be busier than all get out at work. I'm always busy but if we are down a person it's unmanageable. I have been trying leave work at a reasonable time so I can go to Body Pump on Monday and Wednesday so I don't feel so much like all I do is work. I'm hoping to be able to go to Body Pump this week. I like it. June and Ron are talking about doing the MS 150 this year and they want other folks to get involved. They know my bike is cruiser which is not the kind of bike you need to do rides (it's more like the pub riding kind of bike). We have a bike program at work so they have suggested a couple of kinds of bikes for me to look at and consider. I don't know if my ass could take riding like that. And there are other body parts to consider. June and Ron are in pretty good shape. I'm a wanna be...It might be a good challenge for me. June and I could ride after work sometimes and she thinks I should get a trainer since that's what she did at first. i guess I'll see about the riding thing. Vivi thinks we should start riding when she's up so it would be something we could do together too. I ran into an interesting guy today, who had been on the Planning Commission here in Seabrook so I got the scoop on the area. I need to pay more attention to what's going on here since I've been living here for over a year now. I know a lot of money leaks out of the local economy here. The former Planning Commission told me that Seabrook has tended to be anti-business. I think I might start going to some of the Planning Commission meetings. Also, this week I confirmed that one woman is a shit-starter, that's what I call those people who always have something to complain about and point out other people's short comings. She's the same woman who is pissed that her boyfriend won't have sex with because she got fat. I suspect that's not the only reason he won't have sex with her since she bitches all the time. It would be really hard for me to have sex with someone who bitches all the time and is super negative. She told me this long drawn out story about how she was treated badly for complaining about her water bill and how she felt like she should not be treated that way because when she complained to higher ups she was a citizen. First of all you don't have to be a citizen to get a water bill she is a customer or resident who pays for utility service. And second and more importantly if you want to be treated like a customer (correct capacity/word for what she is) then don't go complain to assistant city managers about your water bill while you're on the clock. What a dip shit. She came of as an entitled dip shit to me. On top of that she had dropped an f bomb in one of the guys' offices. I was thinking she is lucky she still has a job. I can't believe any one would act like. I'm so glad that we don't hang out or anything. She reminds me a bit of Ronni from Corpus. Always taking time off and then bitching when she has to account for it and such. If you're not at work then you should have to account for it. In fact, you're typically accountable for your time even when you're at work. I have tasks and meetings and all sorts of things I have to do and I have to be available for residents with questions as well as other folks who work with me and don't understand something so they need explanations or my buy in or my review or something all the time so even when I'm at work st certain times of day I have to account for where I am and what I'm doing. I've been thinking she must have been very spoiled growing up and hasn't grown out of it yet. I know she sure has her boyfriend thinking he needs to pay for all her shit so maybe he M.O. has worked for her so far so she continues to behave like entitled. Enough of that, I'm glad I don't think the world owes me something. I'm surprised and lucky I'm still here. I'm going to visit with Gil tonight once she's done working the OU game.
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