The funeral i attended was very sad. I saw some of my coworkers. They seemed to be in shock as I was. i thought my friend, Grace, might beat the cancer. I know others thought so too. She was such a fighter. It was difficult for me to see Grace. When I touched her hand to say goodbye she was cold and hard (gone). She had been so strong and vibrant. She was the glue in her family and at work. She worked very hard and took good care of her parents and her nephew, whom she had adopted years ago. Grace's family was grief stricken, especially her husband, Chris. He was weeping so. And when Grace's little sister said that Grace said we should all let go of the hate in hearts for what happened to her, I thought that I wished that I could but it will take a long time before I reconcile myself with how truly unfair life is. Of course, Grace was thinking of others even in the end and wishing we move on and make the best of every day since we have another day and she had her last.
Vivi said I should stay with her rather than driving right back home so I did and I am so glad I did. Vivi is a great comfort to me and I value her friendship. We walked along the bay front in Corpus and saw the most beautiful moon. It was waning and halfway between being full and new. The most amazing thing was the color it was orange when it was on the horizon. I was so grateful to see something that beautiful on such a sad night. Around 12:30 I went to sleep for a little while so I could get up and drive to the gym for Cardio Blast. It was a difficult drive. I had a hard time staying awake. I went to Cardio Blast and then left before Body Pump started so I could go to the Farmer's Market. Vivi called me which really lifted my spirits. I'm so grateful for her. I am blessed to have her in my life.
Vivi said I should stay with her rather than driving right back home so I did and I am so glad I did. Vivi is a great comfort to me and I value her friendship. We walked along the bay front in Corpus and saw the most beautiful moon. It was waning and halfway between being full and new. The most amazing thing was the color it was orange when it was on the horizon. I was so grateful to see something that beautiful on such a sad night. Around 12:30 I went to sleep for a little while so I could get up and drive to the gym for Cardio Blast. It was a difficult drive. I had a hard time staying awake. I went to Cardio Blast and then left before Body Pump started so I could go to the Farmer's Market. Vivi called me which really lifted my spirits. I'm so grateful for her. I am blessed to have her in my life.
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