Sunday, July 27, 2014


This morning, Selena was on T.V. I watched part of it. I thought about seeing it in the theater with my son and four of his friends. They were young at the time. I let the boys choose the movie. I'm not sure why they chose Selena and at that time I had not heard of her. The film moved them and I was bombarded with questions. The bombardment went on for days. They couldn't understand why someone who said she was Selena's friend could kill her. How could anyone treat a friend that way. They thought it was unfair that Selena died. I tried everything to make them feel better. I kept pointing aspects if her life that were wonderful and how rich and fulfilling her life was though it was very short. I told them; she got to do what she loved, she had a supportive, living family, she married her best friend, etc. But the boys had something I would equate to shell shock for several days. It took a lot of talking, hanging out, and support to get through those few days with them. 

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