Saturday, July 12, 2014

OKCupid photos and profiles

I wonder why men have so many pictures of themselves with their cars, motorcycles, bicycles, etc. To get a woman's attention I think they should post photos of themselves vacuuming, sweeping, dusting, unloading the dishwasher, etc. But instead, they show their toys: fancy cars, expensive motorcycles, etc. Some women might think the guys priorities are screwed up. He has a huge car payment for example. Or a woman might think the man would be out riding his motorcycle rather than hanging out with her.

Another photo op that is frequent: Men take pictures of themselves with their dogs or cats. The men are affectionately posed with their animals. It looks like they are trying to send the message that I will pet you too. Just because a man is nice to his dog it doesn't mean he is nice to women. I've seen men and women both treat their pets better than their spouses.

Maybe it's because I am in Texas, I'm not sure but a lot of men have profile pictures of themselves with dead animals and fish. I don't if this is supposed to signal that these guys can provide for women. Or maybe, it's to let women know that these men have the means to kill the unarmed. I have a lot of theories about the reasoning behind showing someone pictures of dead (formerly live) beings. I do know that I can go to the grocery store since I have a driver's license, car and a job so I don't need someone to provide for me.

I guess when guys have photos of themselves with their toys and doing their hobbies women are supposed to think their well rounded and have interests. But a lot of those photos don't show the faces of the men very well. I think the photos are kind of like peacock feathers. They're a distraction from the bird. Instead of looking at the bird which is not much to look at, all attention is drawn to the feathers that are glorious.

In profiles one of the strangest things to me and maybe it's just me but many men mention sex right off the bat in the profiles. Maybe I'm wrong but that used to be a taboo subject. I know everyone is more open about everything these days but why mention sex at all. Anyone with half a brain knows it's integral to relationships so it's superfluous to mention it. And it is such a turn off and so rude that many women who might otherwise think the men have potential (women are always thinking men have potential, THANKFULLY, my hypothesis is that if women weren't as optimistic and looked for potential in men then there would be no more human race. It's in the DNA of women to pick men who have potential. Just like if men weren't such horn dogs it would be the end of our species.) dismiss the men as soon as they read the word "sex" or any reference to "BJ". I cannot imagine any woman worth her salt and a modicum of self respect going out with one of these ding dongs (no pun intended, maybe I should have used the word "nimrod" but that word has "rod" in it...I can't win here).

Enough for now.

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