Friday, June 6, 2014

Good things about long distance relationships.

There are some good things about long distance relationships:

  1. Every time he slurps his coffee which has always been odd and annoying to me, you can just remind yourself that you don't have hear his slurping every morning or even two or three days a week because you live in a different city. It is hard to get sick of someone or annoyed with them when he is not around.
  2. When you see each other it is with intent.
  3. His ex wife may not even know you exist and you don't have to deal with her crazy behavior including jealousy on a daily basis.
  4. With the distance his problems are not yours and they shouldn't be anyway but it much easier to be dragged into some kind of drama if you're close. It is much easier to avoid getting sucked into his issues with family, ex wife (ex wives, kid(s), debt, work, etc). It has been my experience that men are very spoiled and want a lot of attention and will try to get you involved in every aspect of their lives at first and suck you in and take over your life. Eventually, you're either bored with their bullshit existence and entitlement, busy trying to manage their bullshit existence for them because they're lazy or inept and need a mother, or you get the guy back on track and then he starts to act like he got his shit together without help from you and starts distancing himself and drops you to move on to some other woman who will reap your reward and gain from your hard work without lifting a finger. With distance it is easier to establish and maintain boundaries.
  5. You are not at his beckon call since there is the distance thing. He can't just drop by whether he was genuinely interested in hanging out with you or he is just dropping by to make sure no other guy is hanging out with you.
  6. When passes gas around and makes it a pint to say it's ok for him to pass gas around you but he doesn't want any girl he's dating to pass gas around him just remind yourself that you don't have to put up with his bullshit all the time because of the distance.
  7. If he is in a bad mood and is crappy to you on the phone you can say you need to hang up. It's not your responsibility to cheer him up. 
  8. When you buy a new pair of shoes he doesn't know it and can't make comments about another recent purchase of shoes.
  9. You can take your time getting to know him without being swayed by the chemistry the way you are when you're around someone all the time so you can ascertain if the guy is a good match or you're just in heat.
  10. When you stop seeing each other you don't stand a chance of accidentally running him so you don't have to see him ever again if you choose to end any contact. And he definitely can't stalk you. 

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