Saturday, October 4, 2014


It is a beautiful morning. The air is crisp and clean. Fall is my favorite time of year. All of the holidays are approaching. I have a lot of wonderful memories of holidays with my son. One year he was the red Power Ranger and I was the pink Power Ranger, My mom made my costume and it was perfect. She's a fantastic seamstress. The cutest costume my son wore was a dragon. He was three and absolutely adorable. And there's Thanksgiving. I like the food but the best thing is being with family. These days my family and Jill's family get together. Jill family is my family now and mine hers. We have been friends for so long and through so much together she is my sister. Christmas was always so much fun when Nick was growing up because each year I had to come up with more clever ways to convince him there is a Santa; other kids at school kept telling him Santa didn't exist. By the time I was three I had figured out there was no Santa and wanted him to have the fantasy for a lot longer than I did. I think it made me feel like if you believe in Santa it means you have this wonderful childhood. It's funny the associations people make that don't really follow any logic or make any sense. I remember one Christmas when Nick was about eight and he was really skeptical--at the time my son was a die hard Dallas Cowboys fan--we opened gifts that were from me on Christmas Eve and the following morning, he fond a Dallas Cowboys football uniform under the tree. He ran into my room and jumped into bed with me, excitedly saying that Santa really exists. He had the biggest smile on his face. He was so happy. I was overjoyed that I was able to keep up the facade.

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