I'll never forget my first day at work in Corpus Christi. I showed up about 10 till 8 and I was really worried that people would think I was kind of running late. Because I always thought if you were supposed to be somewhere at 7 or 11 or 8 o'clock that you should be there about 15 minutes early. Otherwise if you're not a little bit early or late I don't know why I think that and in fact it's kind of a pet peeve of mine. But I showed up around 10 till 8 and the place was kind of like a ghost town. I looked around and I thought well gosh where is everybody and then as it got closer and closer to 8 o'clock I thought oh my gosh what's going on here what's wrong. I kind of got that feeling you get when you go in like a Walgreens or something at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning and there's no one around and you start wondering if they're all trapped in the back and they've been shot the death or something and you don't want to go look you're fearful. And then a little later somebody comes out so so sorry I was in the back stocking. Finally people started showing up Lexie may be right at 8 and they started microwaving their breakfast and some girls you know showed up a little later and they were in the bathroom putting on their makeup and things like that and I thought we open at 8 so I asked someone and they said yeah you know we're open 8 to 5. But this is strange if you open up at 8 don't you need to be at your desk ready to work?
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Dining out
I decided to go out again and try this pesto in portabello mushroom pasta. And it took an hour and 10 minutes for me to get my food. As soon as I got there I told the guy and they exactly what I wanted. But then he never ordered my food. Finally I said well I guess I'll take my food to go. When I was living there with my food chase me out the door with some bread. And then he asked me if everything was okay. I just said yeah everything's okay. But it was pretty much a bust. I was really disappointed. When I got in the car I thought well and I really entitled because I was a waitress and bartender and did room service for 30 years and I was good at my job so I expect good service like I'm supposed to get paid back for the good service that I gave the other people. But then I thought Multan no I'm not being entitled I'm not really in entitled person anyway I feel like I'm going to have to work for everything I did and then I'm probably going to have to work hard and anything worth having is worth working hard for and then our real life don't know I'm not being entitled because I can't you tip to ensure prompt service. Its not like I expect great service for nothing I always tip and last time I was in there I gave the guy a $10 tip. That is one of the things that annoys me the most about Texas you get shitty service here. At first I thought it was my imagination. Then I saw a some statistics and Texas was the worst service out of the 48 contiguous states and I felt redeemed and thought no it's not just my imagination you really do get shitty service here.
Saturday (relax)
Today's horoscope hit the nail on head
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Friday, August 28, 2015
It's almost the weekend and I'm so glad. As usual it's been a long week. I did get to exercise a lot so that was good. I went to a spin class a couple of times with June this week. The first time I've ever done spin. I don't think it does much for your abs. I was wondering if that's why I see a bunch of bikers in the area who look about 11 months pregnant.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Let's wrestle
Another monday
Sunday, August 23, 2015
My evening turned out to be very nice. I got my Xterra started so that means I can go ride my bike with June this week a couple of times. And my dinner was fantastic. I would recommend international bistro I think it's International signature bistro to anyone who wants a very good meal. I'm hoping Gil comes to visit me soon and I can take her there to eat. We always enjoy going out to eat someplace nice and hanging out with each other.
Former friend
Sunday workout
International Signature Bistro
Orange Is The New Black
Two years ago
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Great day
Big Fan
Fantasy and sex
Later, I'll go into how wrestling came up in the conversation with my buddy.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Another meeting down
Sunday, August 16, 2015
No Tabata
Example of y I ranted a bit about men in my previous post
I'm Married that's why. I put it up sometimes for a bit then remove it . I'm looking for a sexy friend to spend my days with while kids and wife are at school . Being a Houston Firefighter /Paramedic leaves my schedule open during to day for working movies bike riding. I'm Miguel.